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Zork II

The Wizard of Frobozz

Implementers Bruce Daniels
Dave Lebling
Marc Blank
Tim Anderson
Release Year1981
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The Wizard appears, floating nonchalantly in the air beside you. He grins sideways at you.
The Wizard incants "Fantasize," but nothing happens. He shakes the wand. Nothing happens. With a slightly embarassed glance in your direction, he vanishes.


As you explore the subterranean realm of Zork, you'll continually be confronted with new surprises. Chief among these is the Wizard himself, who'll constantly endeavor to confound you with his capricious powers. But more than that, you'll face a challenge the likes of which you've never experienced before.

From the Library (8 articles)

Zork: A Computerized Fantasy Simulation Game Tech

Is magic real? Do swords glow if the enemy is nearby? In the demonic world of Zork, a simulated universe entices the player into a new form of problem solving. . . .

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Zork and the Future of Computerized Fantasy Simulations Tech

CFS (computerized fantasy simulation) games are a new art form: the computerized storybook. Instead of reading the story, you play it. The author presents the story, but only as you squeeze it out of him by wit and brute force. It's lip to you to figure out what's going on, and the satisfaction of doing so depends on how well thought out the story is. To be fun to play, the story must be more or less consistent and complete. To a large extent, this means that the program that embodies the story must simulate the universe well. . . .

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Zork II Review

Sequels in microcomputing entertainment have, for the most part, escaped the fate of their counterparts in film and literature. Perhaps the relevant question about Zork II, however, is not how it managed to equal and possibly even surpass its predecessor, but how either Zork or Zork II managed to stand alone. . . .

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Zork II Review

Once again the master adventurers at Infocom have thrust us into the titillating, terrifying, and sometimes intimidating world of Zork. Zork II takes up where Zork I left off (although you need not have played Zork I to play Zork II), starting you out deep in the land of Zork. Here you'll meet the Wizard of Frobozz, a formidable foe who'll appear randomly to thwart your efforts at solving the many riddles in the game. . . .

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Zork! An Overview Feature

The Zork trilogy is a series of three enjoyable, exciting-to-experience, text-oriented adventures. Unfortunately, describing an adventure, without revealing clues, is like trying to describe a treasure chest without saying exactly what's in it. You'll just have to believe me, Zork is filled with many valuable jewels, and forgive me if I inadvertently slip you a clue to solving one of its many, many mysteries. . . .

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Zork II: As Told by Scorpia Walkthrough Spoilers

Back for more, I see! Well, step right in, plenty of room tonight; everyone's out doing their holiday shopping. Take a seat by the fire while Fred pours out your usual, and we'll get started on Zork II. Once again, it's off to the Great Underground Empire! This time, however, it won't be quite so easy. For one thing, there's much more territory to cover, and for another, there's the Wizard of Frobozz. . . .

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The Challenge of Zork Feature

Time is rarely kind to computer games. Advances in hardware, software and programming science come so quickly that older games often pale in comparison with titles boasting the latest in graphics and sound. The current hit titles have a way of pushing last year's favorites into the background. . . .

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Genuine Zorkmid coin minted forthe Zork Trilogy News

In the beginning, three little Zorks lived happily together in one big mainframe computer. They flourished under the loving care of Marc Blank, Dave Lebling, and a lot of other nurturing computer types, and grew up to be humorous, challenging, and full of riveting puzzles. . . .

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