

Score: 0    Turns: 1   


What are InvisiClues?

The essence of all INTERLOGICβ„’ games is solving problems. The purpose of InvisiClues hint booklets is to maximize your enjoyment of the game by giving you only those hints that you need to continue playing and complete the game.

The invisible hints generally progress from a gentle nudge in the right direction to a full answer. The questions, which naturally have to be visible, have been worded to give away as little as possible. You should not use the presence or absence of a question on a certain topic as an indication of importance, and you should not assume that long answers are associated with important questions. This booklet includes dummy questions and answers in order to minimize this problem.

New InvisiClues are added to invisiclues.org weekly. Currently, InvisiClues are available for these worlds: