
The Encyclopedia Frobizzica

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The Encyclopedia Frobizzica

Resida Histooree (Resida History)

From Planetfall (Library):

Xe aancint lejindz saa xat ships frum xe Sekund Yuunyun wuns fild ar skiis and wil wun daa kum agen. Madern siientists, huu wuns dismist suc lejindz and felt xat liif eevolvd heer on Resida, now feel xat ar planit wuz reelee setuld bii men uv xe Sekund Yuunyun.

The ancient legends say that ships from the Second Union once filled our skies and will one day come again. Modern scientists, who once dismissed such legends and felt that life evolved here on Resida, now feel that our planet was really settled by men of the Second Union.

Wexur oor not xe lejindz uv xe Sekund Yuunyun ar truu, arkeeoloojists ar surtin xat aa peereeid uv hii teknoolojikul and sooshul deevelupmint egzistid xowzindz uv yeerz agoo, but foor sum reezin sivilizaashun slid intuu aa dark aaj lasteeng senshureez.

Whether or not the legends of the Second Union are true, archaeologists are certain that a period of high technological and social development existed thousands of years ago, but for some reason civilization slid into a dark age lasting centuries.

Wixin xe last fiiv senshureez, xe riiz uv xe Nuu Teknakrasee haz reeturnd sivilizaashun tuu xe levul ataand beefoor xe Hiiaatus. Sooshul histooreeunz xink xat wen xe Dizeez struk, ar raas had aceevd aa levul uv sufistikaashun eekwal tuu xe pree-Hiiaatus.

Within the last five centuries, the rise of the New Technocracy has returned civilization to the level attained before the Hiatus. Social historieans think that when the Disease struck, our race had achieved a level of sophistication equal to the pre-Hiatus.