
The Encyclopedia Frobizzica

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The Encyclopedia Frobizzica


From Sorcerer (Encyclopedia Frobizzica):

There is a small entry about Belboz, mentioning that he is the Guildmaster of the Accardi Chapter of the Guild of Enchanters, and has served three terms as kingdomwide Secretary of the Guild.

From Enchanter (In-Game Description):

Belboz is, in effect, your boss, professor, patron, and ultimate superior. He is the head of the Circle of Enchanters.

From Spellbreaker (In-Game Description):

Belboz the Necromancer was head of the Accardi-by-the-sea chapter of the Guild of Enchanters until his recent retirement. You owe your position (and your life) to him, and it is partly because he was your mentor that you have achieved your present position. When he retired, he expressed an interest in rest, meditation and learning to arrange flowers.